They had been unwittingly the subjects of a secret psychological experiment that rocked the US, and is still largely under wraps. In a quest to find out why they had been separated, the boys discovered they had been adopted via a New York agency called Louise Wise Services, which declined to tell their new parents there were three babies. Three Identical Strangers tells the tall-but-true story of triplets who met by accident. They did the talk show rounds, had a cameo alongside Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan, and opened a Manhattan steakhouse called Triplets. At the time, it turned the boys into celebrities.

Before long they had been contacted by David, whose adoptive mother had noticed the story about these "twins" who looked exactly like her son. The two boys (then 19) met and were interviewed by the local newspaper. The film, released this year, tells the remarkable story of David Kellman, Bobby Shafran and Eddy Galland, triplets who were unknowingly separated at birth only to find one another by chance in 1980, when Bobby pitched up to his first day of university to find unfamiliar classmates greeting him as Eddy. Minutes later, she was bolt upright, heart pounding.

A film trailer caught her eye - Three Identical Strangers - and she began watching. She picked up her phone and sleepily scrolled through Facebook.

On June 26 2018, Michelle Mordkoff's alarm went off at 6am as usual.